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European and Asian Languages Scholarly References Portal of Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index and Gross National Wellbeing (GNW) Index: Selected research papers citing Happiness Economics and Public Policy


Segment 1

 Lappilaisten elämään tyytyväisyys ja siihen vaikuttavat tekijät cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM J Koivuranta, K Ylinampa - 2014 - Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa lappilaisten elämään tyytyväisyydestä Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen teettämän kyselyn pohjalta. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on selvittää elämään tyytyväisyyden kokemista Lapissa sekä iän, sukupuolen  ...   xoHOwfyXlXAJ     Società, economia e finanza. Potere e controllo cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM F Pontani - Economia Aziendale Online, 2013 - L'epoca contemporanea, sia della seconda metà del secondo millennio dell'era volgare, sia del primo decennio del terzo millennio, è stata sconvolta da guerre, epidemie, catastrofi naturali ed economiche e finanziarie. Questo modo di essere, vivere e sopravvivere della  ...   fq4d5tBiy8YJ     Exploring sales advertising in the housing market in Jordan cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM uv3xSqc M Al-Homoud cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , S Al-Oun, A Smadi .. Journal of Housing 2009 - Purpose–In the housing sector in Jordan, sales advertisings are rarely used, though they, potentially, increase profits and sales and expand development geographically. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of sales advertising in the emerging housing  ...   Grassroots mobilization, co-production of public policy and the promotion of participatory democracy by the Brazilian Solidarity Economy movement cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Esteves - PhD diss., Brown University, 2011 - This dissertation is about the Solidarity Economy movement in Brazil and its attempt to promote the economic and political empowerment of the bottom layers of Brazilian society. The difficulty involved in this transformative goal is the relative absence of carefully  ...   3110827144471137488    0EzYV87gKysJ  Health Determinants for Individuals and Populations cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BR Schatz, RB Berlin - Healthcare Infrastructure, 2011 - Springer As discussed in Part I, the breakdown in healthcare infrastructure has fundamentally to do with the lack of actionable data. The success of public health and personal medicine depend on simple models that limit individual variation sufficiently to scale effectively to large  ...   Measuring Development: policies and incidators cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heikkinen - 2011 - We as human beings have many layered relations, not only to each other but to the planet we inhabit. It provides everything we need to support our life systems. This is easy to conclude, since it is clear that scientific interpretations of our existence, as well as  ...

Segment 2

 A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM FBIBjLY BF Giannetti cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , a8PyjfI F Agostinho cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , C Almeida ...  - Journal of Cleaner  ... , 2015 - Elsevier Abstract The misuse of Gross Domestic Product as a measure of public wellbeing results from the idea that economic growth is always synonymous with enhanced quality of life, disregarding the fact that the economy profits from natural, social, and human capital. In  ... Educators' perceptions of school effectiveness and dysfunctional schools in South Africa cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SG Pretorius - Journal of Social Sciences, 2014 - Taylor & Francis Based on international comparisons and annual national assessments of reading and mathematics achievement levels it could be stated that the South African education system is to a large extent ineffective. Large numbers of schools are considered to be dysfunctional  ...   13884035720640562724     JIadWe0ArsAJ   Intangible assets and the search for a new development paradigm: redefining concepts of wealth, poverty and development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM PEC Peñaflor - Center for Conscious Living Foundation, Feb, 2011 - Today when the great divide not only between the rich and poor countries of the world but also between the rich and poor within rich and poor countries as well is so pronounced, there is no doubt that the prevailing economic development paradigm, so focused on growth  ...   6325636077485742682     WtrucH8syVcJ  Turkish Case of E-Government Policy-Formulation Process as an Emerging and Innovative Public Policymaking Area cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Balci, znyiDk4 TD Medeni cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , A Nohutçu - Global strategy and practice of E  ... , 2011 - The paper would concentrate on the “formation” and “participation”(formulation) dimension and stage of the ICT policy process. Presenting up-to-date information and analyses regarding the developments in recent and current stage of evolution, guidelines and  ...   Learning for Well-being: a policy priority for children and youth in Europe. A Process for Change cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM L O'Toole - SUMMARY Since 2007, the European Perspectives on Global Health; A Policy Glossary supported by the European Foundation Centre and some member foundations, has become a valuable tool for policy making. Based on this successful example the Learning for Well  ...   GYVENIMO LYGIO RODIKLIŲ TEORINĖS PROBLEMOS. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Gataūlinas - Bridges/Tiltai, 2009 - The article deals with the application of indicators in scientific research of the standard of living. It will examine the division of indicators of standard of living into objective and subjective ones, describes the function of the indicators to convey the information  ...   11153145688561271147     a8Hfbunux5oJ   A Perspective on the Attitudinal Study of Collective Happiness 青柳寛 - 2011 - 明治学院大学国際平和研究所 The role and impact of technology in college and university honor systems cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SD Lesperance - 2010 - An honor system is a governing body within an education system that “includes one or more of the following elements: a written pledge in which students affirm that their work will be or has been done honestly; the majority of the judiciary that hears alleged violations of  ...   Csv6fX959icJ     2879622600231406346  Drugs and well-being: Prohibition's negative impacts cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E CRICK - The Politics of Narcotic Drugs: A Survey, 2011 - This chapter reviews a range of definitions of the term 'well-being', the indicators used to measure it, and its relevance to drugs policy analysis. It then explores how drugs policy impacts upon well-being and, finally, discusses the issues raised with some real-world  ...   tfN42C-bqjMJ   Szczęście Narodowe Brutto w Bhutanie–nowe Szangri-La? Polityki publiczne: kształtowanie i wdrażanie cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM K Sikora - Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2014 - W artykule omówiono Szczęście Narodowe Brutto (Gross National Happiness, GNH) w Bhutanie z politycznego i socjologicznego punktu widzenia, a także z perspektywy ekonomii i kultury. Analiza GNH jest punktem wyjścia próby odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy można  ...   UJ5g3_KNajsJ     4281390470038330960   Project management needs a collected effort: It is not an I or Me process, it is a We, Us and Our process/Yuvonne Du Plessis 3UaAeiQ Y Du Plessis cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM - 2014 - Mafikeng: NWU (Mafikeng Campus) 7534600418123735917  Crime and the Urban Environment cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM IzDDIj4 CL Davey cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , AB Wootton - Wellbeing - Wiley Online Library Crime is a common component in measures of wellbeing. This chapter outlines the impact of crime on individuals, business, and society. The United Kingdom suffers from a high level of crime relative to other European countries. However, research shows that crime is not  ...   osk3w0ST5aEJ   Operating in lean times cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R MacLean - Environmental Quality Management, 2009 - Wiley Online Library Some early indicators suggest that companies are becoming more appreciative of institutional knowledge and less willing to offer early retirement to senior individuals. During prior waves of downsizing, far too many of the best and most re-employable people jumped  ...  


Segment 3


 Propose a model to design and implement key operational indicators relate to performance evaluation in industrial group N Jalaliyoon, JNnEtQw H Taherdoost cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Archives Des Sciences, 2012   Learning for Well-being: a policy priority for children and youth in Europe. A Process for Change cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM L O'Toole - SUMMARY Since 2007, the European Perspectives on Global Health; A Policy Glossary supported by the European Foundation Centre and some member foundations, has become a valuable tool for policy making. Based on this successful example the Learning for Well  ...   GYVENIMO LYGIO RODIKLIŲ TEORINĖS PROBLEMOS. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Gataūlinas - Bridges/Tiltai, 2009 - The article deals with the application of indicators in scientific research of the standard of living. It will examine the division of indicators of standard of living into objective and subjective ones, describes the function of the indicators to convey the information  ...   11153145688561271147     a8Hfbunux5oJ   A Perspective on the Attitudinal Study of Collective Happiness 青柳寛 - 2011 - 明治学院大学国際平和研究所 The role and impact of technology in college and university honor systems cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SD Lesperance - 2010 - An honor system is a governing body within an education system that “includes one or more of the following elements: a written pledge in which students affirm that their work will be or has been done honestly; the majority of the judiciary that hears alleged violations of  ...   Csv6fX959icJ     2879622600231406346  Drugs and well-being: Prohibition's negative impacts cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E CRICK - The Politics of Narcotic Drugs: A Survey, 2011 - This chapter reviews a range of definitions of the term 'well-being', the indicators used to measure it, and its relevance to drugs policy analysis. It then explores how drugs policy impacts upon well-being and, finally, discusses the issues raised with some real-world  ...   tfN42C-bqjMJ   Szczęście Narodowe Brutto w Bhutanie–nowe Szangri-La? Polityki publiczne: kształtowanie i wdrażanie cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM K Sikora - Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2014 - W artykule omówiono Szczęście Narodowe Brutto (Gross National Happiness, GNH) w Bhutanie z politycznego i socjologicznego punktu widzenia, a także z perspektywy ekonomii i kultury. Analiza GNH jest punktem wyjścia próby odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy można  ...   UJ5g3_KNajsJ     Project management needs a collected effort: It is not an I or Me process, it is a We, Us and Our process/Yuvonne Du Plessis 3UaAeiQ Y Du Plessis cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM - 2014 - Mafikeng: NWU (Mafikeng Campus) 7534600418123735917 

Segment 4

Crime and the Urban Environment cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM IzDDIj4 CL Davey cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , AB Wootton - Wellbeing - Wiley Online Library Crime is a common component in measures of wellbeing. This chapter outlines the impact of crime on individuals, business, and society. The United Kingdom suffers from a high level of crime relative to other European countries. However, research shows that crime is not  ...   osk3w0ST5aEJ   Operating in lean times cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R MacLean - Environmental Quality Management, 2009 - Wiley Online Library Some early indicators suggest that companies are becoming more appreciative of institutional knowledge and less willing to offer early retirement to senior individuals. During prior waves of downsizing, far too many of the best and most re-employable people jumped  ...   3722899907316182113     YWzqrb1lqjMJ  3722899907316182113     Propose a model to design and implement key operational indicators relate to performance evaluation in industrial group N Jalaliyoon, JNnEtQw H Taherdoost cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Archives Des Sciences, 2012   Culture and policies for sustainable tourism: A South Asian comparison cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM vvXutHo K Schroeder cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , M Sproule-Jones - Journal of Comparative Policy  ... , 2012 - Taylor & Francis International tourism has become a core economic growth strategy for many countries of the Global South. While this holds much promise, it also brings heightened potential for environmental degradation, cultural clashes and social problems. Tourism policy that  ...   8418809463663271663  18 Paradox as a pervasive characteristic of sustainable tourism cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BW-RdpM D Weaver cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , M Hughes, grhHZTE C Pforr cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - The practice of sustainable  ... , 2015 -  ...  Such paradoxical thinking is also present in Bhutan, which Teoh in Chapter 9 describes as seeking to accelerate the growth of non-regional tourist arrivals to better attain its aspiration of very high GNH or ªgross national happiness «  ...    [HTML] cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Relationship between RNA lariat debranching and Ty1 element retrotransposition cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LA Salem, CL Boucher, TM Menees - Journal of virology, 2003 - Am Soc Microbiol  ...  Fig. 3). Importantly, two mutations (dbr1-N16 and dbr1-N30) map to a GD/GNH phosphoesterase signature motif (19) (Phos in Fig. 3  ...  line. The GD/GNH phosphoesterase signature domain is part of this conserved sequence. Residues  ... Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Applications of Benzo[b]thiophenes cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM TY Zhang, J O'toole, CS Proctor - Sulfur reports, 1999 - Taylor & Francis  ...  and earlier are a~ailable.[~-" Page 3. BENZO[b]THIOPHENES 3 H 4 gNH B rm N @ H HO H O Br / :Cp 0 1 2 3 benzo[b]thiophene (+)-discornabdine A (-)-makaluvamine F 2. APPLICATIONS Although alkylated benzo[h]thiophenes  ...  Conclusion: The Essence of Peace? Toward a Comprehensive and Parsimonious Model of Sustainable Peace cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM vtAunVI PT Coleman cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Psychological components of sustainable peace, 2012 - Springer  ...  DC: United States Institute of Peace Press.Google Scholar. Jones, M. (2006). The American pursuit of unhappiness: Gross National Happiness (GNH), a new socioeconomic policy. Executive white paper. Las Vegas: International Institute of Management.Google Scholar. Klein, KJ  ...    [PDF] Design in the era of Liberal Sustainability paradox cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Freimane - Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series Issue 3 -  ...  capital is more rational and more easily calculable and includes quantifiable values such as money, financial value, goods and land (Crossley, 2005, p. 2), but there is an apparent difference in providing social wellbeing by GDP and GNH indexes: the  ...  htm Jones, M. Retrieved 04  ...    [CITATION] The American pursuit of unhappiness: Gross National Happiness (GNH), a new socioeconomic policy. Executive white paper M Jones - 2006 - Las Vegas: International Institute of  ...   9808908951214864446 > Anthropocene? Yes, but Stratified–Measuring Existing Societies with Civilization Level Index cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LQMqdxQ JJ Hu cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS  ... , 2016 -  ...  GNH, Gross National Happiness, defined and promoted by the King of Bhutan in 1972, expands our attention from economic production to  ...  Med Jones (Yones) proposed a 7-dimension index function to define the “second-generation GNH,” including wellness of economic, environmental  ...  A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 -  ...  and popularity of GNH around the world. Beginning in 2005, an American economist Med Jones (Yones) at the International Institute of Management published a working paper, a policy white paper and global survey, fostering the development of a Gross National Happiness/Well-being  ...  [CITATION] Spiritual Guidance in Achieving and Sustaining Organizational Excellence-Jain Vie cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SC Jain - Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and  ... , 2012 -  ...  support a strategy for development based on an index like Gross National Happiness 'GNH' rather than  ...  Based on the metaphysical concepts above, GNH will include happiness; physical, mental and  ...  on this basis by The 11 Centre for Bhutan Studies , Med Jones (Yones), President of  ... 


Segment 5



[PDF] Impact of Human Happiness on Subjective Well-Being cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Joshi -  ...  According to GNH concept, treating happiness as a socio-economic development matrix proposed by Med Jones (Yones) in 2006 (The  ...  correlated strongly with each other and with subjective well-being.Adam Cramer developed a behavioural model of Gross National Happiness  ...  3164404333759981629 [PDF] Role of Business Schools in Orienting Students towards Building Happy Economies (Happiconomies) cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MK Ingale - Technology, 2003 -  ...  The nine parameters of Happy national development for surveying Gross National Happiness (GNH) as developed by Centre for Bhutan Studies, Bhutan  ...  6. Time use and balance, 7. Good governance, 8. Community vitality, and 9. Emotional well being Med Jones (Yones), the President  ...  [PDF] FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HAPPINESS IN SABAH cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SS Yiap, SUaG-zw C Geetha cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM -  ...  In 2005, Med Jones (Yones) improved the Gross National Happiness and changed its name to Gross National Well-Being  ...  At 2010, the nation of Bhutan further extended four contributors to eight contributors and renamed it Bhutan GNH Index  ...  [HTML] What if I appoint a Minister for Happiness? If I can make voters happy surely I will get more votes. I can see it now ... cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Anna -  ...  “The second- generation GNH concept, treating happiness as a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President of  ...  Centre For Bhutan Studies, Gross National Happiness, Explanation of GNH Index [accessed 10/07/2011]  ...  [PDF] THE INDICATORS AND INDICES OF DEVELOPMENT cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AA Salami, SL Tilakasiri, YA Ahmed -  ...  In 2005, Med Jones (Yones), an American economist, proposed a second generation American GNH  ...  the first GNW / GNH Index and the first Global GNW / GNH Index Survey  ...  later well- being development frameworks and happiness econometric models (Gross National Happiness, 2015  ...  Selling happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ASF Rodrigues - 2013 -  ...  Gross National Happiness (GNH). A set of combined indicators that attempt to  ... development: the Gross National Happiness (GNH), that as shown to act as a sustainable substitute for the Gross National Product (Larsen 2008)  ...  Un droit au bonheur cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Gauriau - Droit Social, 2012 -  ...  joie, biens ou bonheur. Plus près de nous, Med Jones (Yones), président de l'Institut international de management (IIM), a théorisé une nouvelle politique socio économique sur le bonheur national brut (Gross National Happiness) ,7  ...  HiBPxQgDShAJ:  Measuring Development: policies and indicators cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heikkinen - 2011 -  ...  18 2.4 Gross National Happiness (GNH) ....22  ...  work with, tend to be better decision makers, are more creative, and outperform peers in problem-solving, innovation, persistence and productivity.” (Med Jones (Yones), 2006)  ...  [CITATION] An investigation into a group of inner and outer London secondary teachers' perceptions of their own wellbeing at work V Ekwulugo - 2015 - Brunel University London 13324210386677941889  [BOOK] Medicina da felicidade cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MD Schafranski - 2012 -  ...  Em níveis populacionais, o termo Gross National Happiness (GNH, algo como Felicidade Interna Bruta – FIB) foi criado como uma  ...  Medicina da felicidade 25 Novos conceitos foram acrescentados posteriormente pelo economista Med Jones (Yones), presidente do International Institute  ...  CEfW6La_UUEJ: [PDF] 한국의 국민행복지수 산출과 제고방안에 관한 연구 cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 남주하, 김상봉 - 시장경제연구, 2016 -  ...  중요항목 부탄국민총행복지수(GNH) 정신적 웰빙, 생태, 건강, 교육 등 Med Jones (Yones)의 GNH 졍제적 안정, 환경적 안정, 육체적 안정 등 영국의지구촌행복지수(HPI) 삶의 만족도, 평균수명, 생태학적 면적 Page 9. 한국의 국민행복지수 산출과 제고방안에 관한 연구 127 Ⅲ  ...  [CITATION] The Happy Depressive A Campbell - 2012 - Random House [PDF] Everybody Wants to Belong: Comparing the Relative Impact of Social Capital on Happiness at an International Level cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E Lambert - 2017 -  ...  and happiness] is the essence of the philosophy of Gross National Happiness. Our most  ...  Other economists have found value in the GNH Index and have expanded on its methods. For example, in 2005, Med Jones (Yones) proposed the Gross National Well-Being Index, which is based  ...  12468098754648831236 A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM FBIBjLY BF Giannetti cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , a8PyjfI F Agostinho cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , C Almeida ...  - Journal of Cleaner  ... , 2015 - Elsevier  ...  were reviewed and discussed, among them: Green Gross Domestic Products, Genuine Savings (GS), Genuine progress indicator (GPI), Physical quality of life Index (PQLI), Human development index (HDI), Emergy, Exergy, Gross national happiness (GNH), Happy Planet Index  ... [BOOK] Peak everything: waking up to the century of declines cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heinberg - 2010 -  ...  GPI) on page 17 of the Introduction, but it's also important to mention Gross national Happiness (GnH)  ...  Recently, Seattle has also expressed interest in adopting GnH  ...  Preface xxv Med Jones (Yones), President of International Institute of Management, has elaborated on GnH metrics  ... 

Segment 6

[BOOK] The utility of a subjective happiness metric in international development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM GN Magrath - 2014 -  ...  It was in this development environment that the King of Bhutan a nation perennially among the worlds poorest proclaimed in 1972 that his people would seek Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than Gross National Income  ...  The Moneyed Society cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MR Griffiths, JR Lucas - Value Economics, 2016 - Springer  ...  The term “gross national happiness” was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's fourth Dragon King, Jigme Singye  ...  A second-generation GNH concept, treating happiness as a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President of  ...  0bZYSiB5B0oJ:   [BOOK] International community organising cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM qy6YdAE D Beck cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , R Purcell - 2013 - Page 1. DAVE BECK ROD PURCELL INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ORGANISING TAKING POWER, MAKING CHANGE Page 2. InternatIonal communIty organIsIng taking power, making change Dave Beck and Rod Purcell Page 3  ... Rethinking policy intervention for the transition towards competitive trade-led green growth cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BK Bhusal - 2017 -  ...  GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GLOBECO Global Economic Observer GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms GNH Gross National Happiness GNP Gross National Product GoN Government of Nepal GPI Genuine Progress Indicator Page 17. XIV  ...  Sustainable development: case: energy production in Namibia cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM P Lahti - 2011 -  ...  environments. The concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) is probably the  ... well-being within a nation by GNH is based on the terms in Table 1. Table 1: A second-generation GNH concept according to Med Jones (Yones) (2006)  ...  Tmb-AJQP0WcJ: Società, economia e finanza. Potere e controllo cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM F Pontani - Economia Aziendale Online, 2013 - Page 1. Economia Aziendale Online 2000 Web (2010) 1: 119-137 DOI: Pietro Previtali University of Pavia, Via San Felice 7, Pavia, Italy E-mail: pietro.previtali@unipv. it 7171-110 ne Page 2. Page 3. Economia Aziendale Online Vol  ...  [BOOK] In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A de Valdomond - 2013 - Page 1. In search of an Economic Quantum in the World Economy. Aline de Valdomond Page 2. In search of an Economic Quantum in the World Economy. Aline dc Valdomond Page 3. In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy. by Aline de Valdomond Page 4  ...    a new socioeconomic policy. Executive white paper M Jones - 2006 - Las Vegas: International Institute of  ...   9808908951214864446 > A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM

Segment 7

FBIBjLY BF Giannetti cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , a8PyjfI F Agostinho cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , C Almeida ...  - Journal of Cleaner  ... , 2015 - Elsevier  ...  were reviewed and discussed, among them: Green Gross Domestic Products, Genuine Savings (GS), Genuine progress indicator (GPI), Physical quality of life Index (PQLI), Human development index (HDI), Emergy, Exergy, Gross national happiness (GNH), Happy Planet Index  ... bM5uJiUsDiUJ:  cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM   2670120167147490924  cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 -  ...  Beginning in 2005, an American economist Med Jones (Yones) at the International Institute of  ...  directly, the report called for including -- in addition to Gross Domestic Product -- environmental  ...  initiative was launched, calling for the inclusion of the Gross National Happiness Index (World  ... [PDF] Role of Business Schools in Orienting Students towards Building Happy Economies (Happiconomies) cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MK Ingale - Technology, 2003 -  ...  governance, 8. Community vitality, and 9. Emotional well being Med Jones (Yones), the President of  ... discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and family lawsuits  ... Indo-Bhutan International Conference On Gross National Happiness Vol 02, October 2013 Pages  ... [HTML] What if I appoint a Minister for Happiness? If I can make voters happy surely I will get more votes. I can see it now ... cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Anna -  ...  a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President of  ... metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and  ...  Centre For Bhutan Studies, Gross National Happiness, Explanation of GNH Index [accessed 10  ...  [PDF] Impact of Human Happiness on Subjective Well-Being cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Joshi -  ...  for social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than gross domestic product  ...  The term gross national happiness was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's former king JigmeSigmeVangchuk  ... happiness as a socio-economic development matrix proposed by Med Jones (Yones) in 2006  ...  3164404333759981629 Anthropocene? Yes, but Stratified–Measuring Existing Societies with Civilization Level Index cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LQMqdxQ JJ Hu cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS  ... , 2016 -  ...  GNH, Gross National Happiness, defined and promoted by the King of Bhutan in 1972, expands our attention from economic production to  ...  Med Jones (Yones) proposed a 7-dimension index function to define the “second-generation GNH,” including wellness of economic, environmental  ...  [PDF] THE INDICATORS AND INDICES OF DEVELOPMENT cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AA Salami, SL Tilakasiri, YA Ahmed -  ...  ii. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the basis for a host of other economic  ...  In 2005, Med Jones (Yones), an American economist, proposed a second generation American GNH concept also  ...  Every nation of the world should adopt Bhutan Gross National Happiness model because it  ... Measuring Development: policies and incidators cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heikkinen - 2011 -  ...  problem-solving, innovation, persistence and productivity.” (Med Jones (Yones), 2006)  ...  One, maybe most interesting of the balancing indicators to Gross Domestic Product  ...  Bhutan has based its developmental policies on indicators known collectively as Gross National Happiness  ...  [PDF] Everybody Wants to Belong: Comparing the Relative Impact of Social Capital on Happiness at an International Level cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E Lambert - 2017 -  ...  For example, in 2005, Med Jones (Yones) proposed the Gross National Well-Being Index, which is based  ... 22 philosophy” that was the foundation for the Gross National Happiness Index in Bhutan (Gross  ... note that the GDP only measures national quantity growth, when the UN wanted to  ...  [PDF] FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HAPPINESS IN SABAH cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SS Yiap, SUaG-zw C Geetha cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM -  ...  They are not happy in the face of local corruption and weak capacity to govern. Page 8. 307  ...  But the quantitative measures used was not very clear. In 2005, Med Jones (Yones) improved the Gross National Happiness and changed its name to Gross National Well-Being  ...  [CITATION] The Happy Depressive A Campbell - 2012 - Random House [BOOK] The utility of a subjective happiness metric in international development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM GN Magrath - 2014 -  ... 

Segment 7


Happiness for his Kingdom since the 1970s a clear response to the prevalence of Gross National Product (or its sister Gross Domestic Product) as  ...  The repugnant fallacy exposes the problems associated with quantifying and aggregating happiness, which will be discussed in  ... Selling happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ASF Rodrigues - 2013 -  ...  and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts. Gross National Happiness (GNH)  ...  But, do consumers know what to do to become happier? As the psychological community  ...  improve happiness, it follows different rules  ...  The Moneyed Society cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MR Griffiths, JR Lucas - Value Economics, 2016 - Springer  ...  holistic and psychological terms than just the economic indicator of gross domestic product (GDP). The term “gross national happiness” was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's fourth Dragon King  ...  a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President  ...  0bZYSiB5B0oJ:   [BOOK] Peak everything: waking up to the century of declines cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heinberg - 2010 -  ...  Preface xxv Med Jones (Yones), President of International Institute of Management, has elaborated on  ... metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and  ...  fun, but a few decades of improvement in Gross national Happiness — potentially achievable  ... [PDF] 한국의 국민행복지수 산출과 제고방안에 관한 연구 cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 남주하, 김상봉 - 시장경제연구, 2016 -  ...  새로운 소득관련 지표로 활용된 사례로 국민총소득(Gross National Income, GNI) 및 국민순소득(Net  ...  데 유리한 점이 있어, OECD에서 논의된 바 있는 NIW 지표(National Index of Well  ... 중요항목 부탄국민총행복지수(GNH) 정신적 웰빙, 생태, 건강, 교육 등 Med Jones (Yones)의 GNH 졍제적  ...[CITATION] Spiritual Guidance in Achieving and Sustaining Organizational Excellence-Jain Vie cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SC Jain - Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and  ... , 2012 -  ...  will support a strategy for development based on an index like Gross National Happiness 'GNH' rather  ...  on this basis by The 11 Centre for Bhutan Studies , Med Jones (Yones), President of  ...  Many individuals relate happiness to material possessions and think that possessing things such  ...  11766451948941608447 [CITATION] An investigation into a group of inner and outer London secondary teachers' perceptions of their own wellbeing at work V Ekwulugo - 2015 - Brunel University London 13324210386677941889  [BOOK] In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A de Valdomond - 2013 -  ...  9.7 SYNCHRONISATION OF POLITICAL GOALS, WORDS AND DEEDS 9. 8 HAPPY SLOW DEVELOPING  ...  3 Mathematical Representations 3.1 Static Equations forAccounting 3.1.1 National GDP The most renown and used metric is the Gross Domestic Product GDP  ...  Sustainable development: case: energy production in Namibia cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM P Lahti - 2011 -  ...  standard of living based on gross domestic product (GDP), technical achievements  ... environments. The concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) is probably the  ...  Table 1: A second-generation GNH concept according to Med Jones (Yones) (2006)  ...  Tmb-AJQP0WcJ:   Rethinking policy intervention for the transition towards competitive trade-led green growth cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BK Bhusal - 2017 -  ...  GBSF Green Box System Framework GCN Global Climate Network GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gases  ...  GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms GNH Gross National Happiness GNP Gross National Product GoN Government of Nepal  ...  Un droit au bonheur cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Gauriau - Droit Social, 2012 -  ...  joie, biens ou bonheur. Plus près de nous, Med Jones (Yones), président de l'Institut international de management (IIM), a théorisé une nouvelle politique socio économique sur le bonheur national brut (Gross National Happiness) ,7  ...  1173753989088354334    [BOOK] International community organising cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM qy6YdAE D Beck cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , R Purcell - 2013 -  ...  To broaden out the story ofcommunity organising from the IAF, Chapter Five looks at the development of ACORN in the US from its founding in Arkansas in 1970, through its rapid national growth and diversification into housing and union activities, to its demise (at the hands  ... Società, economia e finanza. Potere e controllo cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM F Pontani - Economia Aziendale Online, 2013 -  ...  greatest good which men possessed of fortitude and generosity can procure to their fellow creatures is a participation of this happy character  ...  2. Gli autori, in nota n. 2, rappresentano che RA EASTERLIN (in “Does Money buy Happiness”, National Affairs, The Public Interest, n. 30  ...  Jumping on the sociobiology bandwagon cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM I Eibl-Eibesfeldt - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1980 -  ...  Child Health and Human Development (HD-06016) and from the Division of Research Resources (RR-00165), National Institutes of  ...  Observations of schizophrenics in a group-living situation reveal gross deficiencies in the important social-interaction strategies occurring cross  ...  1267358377641962611

Segment 8

11221502240135113185   On demographic factors and neurohormonal substrates cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AB Bubenik - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1980 -  ...  Child Health and Human Development (HD-06016) and from the Division of Research Resources (RR-00165), National Institutes of  ...  Observations of schizophrenics in a group-living situation reveal gross deficiencies in the important social-interaction strategies occurring cross  ...  12850906021993518655   A critique of some aspects of human ethology cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM GD Wassermann - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1980 -  ...  Child Health and Human Development (HD-06016) and from the Division of Research Resources (RR-00165), National Institutes of  ...  Observations of schizophrenics in a group-living situation reveal gross deficiencies in the important social-interaction strategies occurring cross  ...  6203281089068783432    Medicina da felicidade cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MD Schafranski - 2012 -  ...  Em níveis populacionais, o termo Gross National Happiness (GNH, algo como Felicidade Interna Bruta – FIB) foi criado como uma  ...  Medicina da felicidade 25 Novos conceitos foram acrescentados posteriormente pelo economista Med Jones (Yones), presidente do International Institute  ...    [CITATION] The American pursuit of unhappiness: Gross National Happiness (GNH)—A new economic metric M Yones - Executive White Paper, 2006 5P9S72gXAGoJ:  Measuring happiness at work place cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Bhattacharjee, M Bhattcharjee - ASBM Journal of  ... , 2010 -  ...  Treating happiness as a socioeconomic development matrix, Med Yones, the President of International  ...  The gross national happiness value is proposed to be an index function of the total  ... metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and  ...  10942132880318431478   Integrated model for sustainable development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM VH Varma, n-965bs G Chattopadhyay cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Industrial Engineering and  ... , 2008 -  ...  Global National Happiness (GNH) a term coined by Bhutan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in  ...  Med Yones, President of International Institute of Management in 2006 stated that along with  ... Where, C = consumption, I = gross investment G = government spending , X = exports, M  ... [PDF] Intangible assets and the search for a new development paradigm: redefining concepts of wealth, poverty and development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM PEC Peñaflor - Center for Conscious Living Foundation, Feb, 2011 -  ...  Subsequent generation of GHN concept, particularly in the work of Med Yones  ...  in terms of the Gross National Product (GNP) or the Gross Domestic Product (GDP  ...  ways to measure well-being, and the kingdom of Bhutan actually adopting measures of Gross National Happiness  ...  6325636077485742682 >  JH Maridal - 2010 -  ...  National gross domestic product has both a positive direct and indirect  ...  10 Charles Murray in The Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government (1994), discussed a study that compared 'internals' (people who believe they can control their destiny  ...  He found 'internals' were happier  ...  Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Y Yao - 2008 - Page 1. Munich Personal RePEc Archive Dalai Lama and Laurens Muyzenberg. What Bhudhism Can teach managers? Ye Yao Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) 2008 Online at MPRA Paper No  ...  [CITATION] FICHE DE LECTURE D Lama, L van den Muyzenberg - 2009 7Sut_5qKXJwJ:    [PDF] Grassroots mobilization, co-production of public policy and the promotion of participatory democracy by the Brazilian Solidarity Economy movement cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Esteves - PhD diss., Brown University, 2011 -  ...  Conducted participant observation of meetings of the Solidarity Economy forums at the national level, as well as at the state and municipal levels in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul  ...  University of Wisconsin- National University of Ireland- Political Science  ...    [HTML] What is sustainability? cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , J Farrington - Sustainability, 2010 - Sustainability as a policy concept has its origin in the Brundtland Report of 1987. That document was concerned with the tension between the aspirations of mankind towards a better life on the one hand and the limitations imposed by nature on the other hand. In the course of time  ... Measuring happiness at work place cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Bhattacharjee, M Bhattcharjee - ASBM Journal of  ... , 2010 -  ...  of the population thinks the government should focus on making us happier rather than  ...  Treating happiness as a socioeconomic development matrix, Med Yones, the President of International  ... The gross national happiness value is proposed to be an index function of the total  ...  10942132880318431478   [CITATION] A Perspective on the Attitudinal Study of Collective Happiness 青柳寛 - 2011 - 明治学院大学国際平和研究所 LXgTopBVKBQJ:    Drugs and well-being: Prohibition's negative impacts cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E CRICK - The Politics of Narcotic Drugs: A Survey, 2011 -  ...  the population think the UK Government should focus on making people happier rather than  ... ESSAYS Gross National Happiness (GNH) was devised by Bhutan's King Wang- chuk in 1972 in order  ...  of the natural environment, and establishment of good governance (Yones 2006)  ...    Measuring Development: policies and incidators cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heikkinen - 2011 -  ...  problem-solving, innovation, persistence and productivity.” (Med Jones (Yones), 2006)  ... 


Segment 9


 One, maybe most interesting of the balancing indicators to Gross Domestic Product  ...  Bhutan has based its developmental policies on indicators known collectively as Gross National Happiness  ...    SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE APPROACHES ASSESSING SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRIES BY USING WELFARE INDEX cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SA Balashova, EO Nakhatakyan - RUDN Journal of Economics, 2017 -  ...  Welfare; ISEW — Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare; GPI — Genuine Progress Indicator; IEWB — Index of Economic Well-Being; PQLI — Physical Quality of Life Index; HDI — Human Development Index; GNH — Gross National Happiness; GNW — Gross National Welfare  ...    A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 -  ...  The Global GNW/GNH Survey and the GNW/GNH Index proposed in 2005 have been developed with the aim of measuring Happiness and Well-being across populations in different countries. The key recommendations were  ...  Waste As An Index of Social Pathology cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM H Winthrop - American Behavioral Scientist, 1961 -  ...  systematic attention. The author, Professor of Social Science at the Univ. of South Florida, sets forth a classification of wastes, and suggests that an annual Gross National Waste (GNW) index might serve as well as the GNP index  ...  C4NpeHd0CKoJ: [HTML] Human Development Index cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM U HDI - United Nation Development Program-1996, 1996 -  ...  3. Income Index (II  ...  Finally, the HDI is the geometric mean of the previous three normalized indices  ... a person 25 years-of-age or older has spent in schools) EYS: Expected years of schooling (Years of schooling for children under 18 years of age) GNIpc: Gross national income at  ... A stochastic dynamical social model involving a human happiness index cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM x81SSvQ MT Sanz cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , A Caselles, ejbDlH4 JC Micó cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , D Soler - Journal of Computational and  ... , 2018 - Elsevier  ...  The Gross National Happiness (GNH) [10] is an index based on a subjective questionnaire of 180 questions  ...  by the Human Development Reports [11] of the UN for the construction of quality indices  ...  This is due to the fact that an environmental index already exists [13], which will  ...  8428569298657346752 >  SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE APPROACHES ASSESSING SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRIES BY USING WELFARE INDEX cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SA Balashova, EO Nakhatakyan - RUDN Journal of Economics, 2017 -  ...  Классификация индексов по составу базовых индикаторов [Classification of welfare indices by the composition  ...  Being; PQLI — Physical Quality of Life Index; HDI — Human Development Index; GNH — Gross National Happiness; GNW — Gross National Welfare; ULF  ...  FWGR7CA_MfYJ: Effect of Vertical Integration on Multidimensional Well‑being of Fish Farmers in Lagos State Fish‑hub, Nigeria cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 5etXl0g OE Ayinde cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , TvE-RHQ HK Ibrahim cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , JH97Xyw MF Salami cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ...  - Agricultura Tropica et  ... , 2017 -  ...  examine the effect of vertical integration on the multidimensional well‑being indices of the  ...  of the incidence of satisfaction across the various dimensions under the Gross National Wellness (GNW  ... Using the GNW index, a score of 0 indicates very dissatisfied; 0.01 – 4.99 indicates  ...  zfHLDZpu0asJ:    A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 -  ...  the econometric framework of the first scientific (and secular) GNH (GNW) framework and  ...  The local GNH Index includes the promotion of Buddhist culture incorporating spiritual, karma  ...  gas emissions, economic indicators such as “real disposable income,” and indices on poverty  ... [PDF] THE INDICATORS AND INDICES OF DEVELOPMENT cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AA Salami, SL Tilakasiri, YA Ahmed -  ...  Well-being or GNW, the first GNW / GNH Index and the first Global GNW / GNH Index  ...  quality and global atmosphere, and energy and resource use pressures into an Ecosystem Wellbeing index. The two indexes are then combined into the Wellbeing/Stress Index (Prescott, 2001  ...  A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM FBIBjLY BF Giannetti cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , a8PyjfI F Agostinho cited Med Jones (Yones)


Segment 10


 A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 -  ...  Beginning in 2005, an American economist Med Jones (Yones) at the International Institute of Management  ... directly, the report called for including -- in addition to Gross Domestic Product -- environmental  ... Welcome to the Centre for Bhutan Studies Works on Gross National Happiness  ...  [PDF] Impact of Human Happiness on Subjective Well-Being cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Joshi -  ...  for social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than gross domestic product  ...  treating happiness as a socio-economic development matrix proposed by Med Jones (Yones) in 2006  ...  Happiness and Life Satisfaction, As in Seligman, Martin EP Ø Gross National Happiness, from  ...  PWh4z_k46isJ:   [PDF] Role of Business Schools in Orienting Students towards Building Happy Economies (Happiconomies) cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MK Ingale - Technology, 2003 -  ...  7. Good governance, 8. Community vitality, and 9. Emotional well being Med Jones (Yones), the President of  ...  discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and family lawsuits  ... economists and thinkers developed new parameters like Gross National Happiness(by  ...  [PDF] THE INDICATORS AND INDICES OF DEVELOPMENT cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AA Salami, SL Tilakasiri, YA Ahmed -  ...  ii. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the basis for a host of other economic performance indicators normally  ...  In 2005, Med Jones (Yones), an American economist, proposed a second generation American GNH concept also known as Gross National Well-being or GNW  ...  [HTML] What if I appoint a Minister for Happiness? If I can make voters happy surely I will get more votes. I can see it now ... cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Anna -  ...  a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President of  … ...  [PDF] cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Anthropocene? Yes, but Stratified–Measuring Existing Societies with Civilization Level Index cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LQMqdxQ JJ Hu cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS  ... , 2016 -  ...  GNH, Gross National Happiness, defined and promoted by the King of Bhutan in 1972, expands our attention from economic production to include  ...  Med Jones (Yones) proposed a 7-dimension index function to define the “second-generation GNH,” including wellness of economic  ...  f11EYLbvKCYJ:   Measuring Development: policies and indicators cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heikkinen - 2011 -  ...  problem-solving, innovation, persistence and productivity.” (Med Jones (Yones), 2006)  ...  Page 10. 10 2.2 The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Two most used index measurements for development are Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  ...  [PDF] FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HAPPINESS IN SABAH cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SS Yiap, SUaG-zw C Geetha cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM -  ...  does not necessarily mean peoples are unhappy but could mean there is imbalance in their life and indicate peoples may need to pay more attention to that particular aspect of their personal wellbeing  ...  In 2005, Med Jones (Yones) improved the Gross National Happiness and  ...  [PDF] Everybody Wants to Belong: Comparing the Relative Impact of Social Capital on Happiness at an International Level cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E Lambert - 2017 -  ...  mitigate and explore the issues with subjective well-being data. First I will discuss indices based on pecuniary factors like the Gross Domestic Product  ...  For example, in 2005, Med Jones (Yones) proposed the Gross National Well-Being Index, which is based  ...  The Moneyed Society cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MR Griffiths, JR Lucas - Value Economics, 2016 - Springer  ...  holistic and psychological terms than just the economic indicator of gross domestic product (GDP). The term “gross national happiness” was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's fourth Dragon King  ...  a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones (Yones), the President  ...  0bZYSiB5B0oJ:   [CITATION] An investigation into a group of inner and outer London secondary teachers' perceptions of their own wellbeing at work V Ekwulugo - 2015 - Brunel University London 13324210386677941889  [CITATION] The Happy Depressive A Campbell - 2012 - Random House [CITATION] Spiritual Guidance in Achieving and Sustaining Organizational Excellence-Jain Vie cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SC Jain - Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and  ... , 2012 -  ...  and natural resources; enhancing economic, spiritual, emotional and physical health and well being of all  ...  will support a strategy for development based on an index like Gross National Happiness 'GNH  ...  on this basis by The 11 Centre for Bhutan Studies , Med Jones (Yones), President of  ... 

Segment 11

  [PDF] 한국의 국민행복지수 산출과 제고방안에 관한 연구 cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 남주하, 김상봉 - 시장경제연구, 2016 -  ...  새로운 소득관련 지표로 활용된 사례로 국민총소득(Gross National Income, GNI) 및 국민순소득(Net  ...  데 유리한 점이 있어, OECD에서 논의된 바 있는 NIW 지표(National Index of Well  ... 중요항목 부탄국민총행복지수(GNH) 정신적 웰빙, 생태, 건강, 교육 등 Med Jones (Yones)의 GNH 졍제적  ...  3231063358600996332 [BOOK] Peak everything: waking up to the century of declines cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heinberg - 2010 -  ...  Preface xxv Med Jones (Yones), President of International Institute of Management, has elaborated on GnH  ...  metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and  ... much fun, but a few decades of improvement in Gross national Happiness — potentially  ...  < Selling happiness cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ASF Rodrigues - 2013 -  ...  Figure 7 - Effect of experimental vs. control conditions on changes in wellbeing based on degree of effort  ...  SWB: Subjective Well-Being GLOSSARY OF TERMS  ...  and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts. Gross National Happiness (GNH)  ...  780616618372858162 [BOOK] The utility of a subjective happiness metric in international development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM GN Magrath - 2014 -  ...  poor.37 Or, as Angus Deaton notes, The familiar concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP  ...  52 Johannes Kristensen Gross National Happines (GNH) in Bhutan a critical investigation of a promising  ...  It is this kind of measure of subjective well-being not of objective opportunities or  ...  Rethinking policy intervention for the transition towards competitive trade-led green growth cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BK Bhusal - 2017 -  ...  GCN Global Climate Network GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gases  ...  GNH Gross National Happiness GNP Gross National Product GoN Government of Nepal  ...  ISEW Index of Sustainable Economic Wellbeing ISO International Organization for Standardization  ...  [BOOK] In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A de Valdomond - 2013 -  ...  to live correctly from their own work and to exchange within their community to increase their well being  ...  Page 13. 3 Mathematical Representations 3.1 Static Equations forAccounting 3.1.1 National GDP The most renown and used metric is the Gross Domestic Product GDP  ...  Sustainable development: case: energy production in Namibia cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM P Lahti - 2011 -  ...  standard of living based on gross domestic product (GDP), technical achievements  ... environments. The concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) is probably the  ...  Table 1: A second-generation GNH concept according to Med Jones (Yones) (2006)  ... [BOOK] International community organising cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM qy6YdAE D Beck cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , R Purcell - 2013 -  ...  building social capital, from the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) to ideas around quality of life and wellbeing.These factors  ...  Five looks at the development of ACORN in the US from its founding in Arkansas in 1970, through its rapid national growth and  ... [PDF] Honorary Degrees cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MJD Fields, MLG Fields -  ...  Musical Introduction National Anthem John Stafford Smith, Composer (Arr  ...  Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts BGS Bachelor of General Studies BHA Bachelor of Healthcare Administration BHWP Bachelor of Health and Wellness Promotion BM  ...  Patients, Society, and cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM HI ProfessionaIs - Springer  ...  The World Health Organization definition of health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the ab- sence of disease and infirmity,”13 while holding out an unattainable goal, serves as a point of reference  ...  5-B3GjlBBAwJ: Going from a private to public company and the impact on revenue recognition cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Jecrois Madrid - 2014 -  ...  2011) : Internal or domestic trade and external or international trade. Eighty percent of PSI  ...  Source: Med Jones (Yones), International Institute of Management (IIM). Page 16. 9  ...  with the transaction and it generates an expected gross margin, an equivalent percentage  ...  D1S-igWTkEgJ:    Società, economia e finanza. Potere e controllo cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM F Pontani - Economia Aziendale Online, 2013 -  ...  J. WOLFERS, “Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2008, pag. 2. Gli autori, in nota n. 2, rappresentano che RA EASTERLIN (in “Does Money buy Happiness”, National Affairs, The Public  ...  [BOOK] Medicina da felicidade cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MD Schafranski - 2012 -  ...  2 CONCEIÇÃO, P.; BANDURA, R. Measuring Subjective Wellbeing: A Summary Review  ...  Em níveis populacionais, o termo Gross National Happiness (GNH, algo como Felicidade foram acrescentados posteriormente pelo economista Med Jones (Yones), presidente do  ...  CEfW6La_UUEJ:  [BOOK] Rational Investing: The Subtleties of Asset Management cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM noaAAxM H Langlois cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , J Lussier - 2017 - Page 1. Rational Investing The SUBTLETIES of ASSET MANAGEMENT Hugues Langlois and Jacques Lussier Page 2. Rational Investing Page 3. Page 4. Rational Investing | he SU BT LET | ES Of ASSET MANAG EN/ENT Hugues  ...  Measuring happiness at work place cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Bhattacharjee, M Bhattcharjee - ASBM Journal of  ... , 2010 - ...  The gross national happiness value is proposed to be an index function of  ...  metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and  ...  10942132880318431478  


Segment 12



[PDF] Intangible assets and the search for a new development paradigm: redefining concepts of wealth, poverty and development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM PEC Peñaflor - Center for Conscious Living Foundation, Feb, 2011 -  ...  It then had been used by the government as basis for development planning. 16 Subsequent generation of GHN concept, particularly in the work of Med Yones 17 of the  ...  24 Gross National Well-being vs. Gross Domestic Product Integrated model for sustainable development cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM VH Varma, n-965bs G Chattopadhyay cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Industrial Engineering and  ... , 2008 -  ...  Med Yones, President of International Institute of Management in 2006 stated that along with economic  ...  Where, C = consumption, I = gross investment G = government spending , X = exports, M = imports  ...  Existing models look at industry, local, regional or at a national level and Concept and Causes of Human Prosperity cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM JH Maridal - 2010 -  ...  well-being. Not only do different measures of well-being correlate with each other, but across cultures they correlate with emotional responses such as brain activity, heart  … National gross domestic product has both a positive direct and indirect  ...  10732110294442257529   Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Y Yao - 2008 - Page 1. Munich Personal RePEc Archive Dalai Lama and Laurens Muyzenberg. What Buddhism Can teach managers? Ye Yao Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) 2008 Online at MPRA Paper No  ...  [CITATION] FICHE DE LECTURE D Lama, L van den Muyzenberg - 2009 7Sut_5qKXJwJ:  [PDF] Grassroots mobilization, co-production of public policy and the promotion of participatory democracy by the Brazilian Solidarity Economy movement cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Esteves - PhD diss., Brown University, 2011 -  ...  Conducted participant observation of meetings of the Solidarity Economy forums at the national level, as well as at the state and municipal levels in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul   University of Wisconsin- National University of Ireland- Political Science  … Beyond GDP-Measuring the Wealth of Nations cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM T Wenzel - 2009 -  The essence of this philosophy was realised in 1972 with the GNH (Gross National Happiness), which serves as the official GDP equivalent in Bhutan. Based on the concept of sustainable development and Buddhism, it includes mental wellness, workplace wellness, social  … [PDF] Cultivating critical thinking within organizations cited Med Jones (Yones) GNH / GNW Paper at IIM FA Ricci -  …   ... , 2014 -  ...  71 ISBN: 978-605-64453-1-6 The International Institute of Management, KASAC, created a model for executive education (Jones, 2005)  … Retrieved from

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