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Research Citations and References Portal of Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index Selected research papers citing Happiness Economics and Public Policy paper in different languages:

Section 1:

 Medicina da felicidade cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MD Schafranski - 2012 - © 2012 – Marcelo Derbli Schafranski Direitos em língua portuguesa para o Brasil: Matrix Editora - 3868-2863 Capa Alexandre Santiago Diagramação Daniela Vasques Revisão Laura Angelim Adriana Parra Dados Internacionais  ...   4706753877890189064     CEfW6La_UUEJ   The Moneyed Society cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MR Griffiths, JR Lucas - Value Economics, 2016 - Springer This chapter looks at some of the characteristics of the moneyed society, in terms of freedom of choice, justice and economic value in satisfying the needs and wants of consumer preferences, within the social setting of a moneyed society. It looks at the management of  ... 한국의 국민행복지수 산출과 제고방안에 관한 연구 cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 남주하, 김상봉 - 시장경제연구, 2016 - 본 연구는 국민행복지수를 3개의 대항목, 20개의 중항목, 34개의 소항목으로 나누어 산출하고 국민행복을 높이기 위한 정책적 시사점을 유도하였다. 2003년 1분기부터 2014년 4분기까지의 자료를 이용한 결과, 3개의 대항목인 경제성과 및 지속가능성, 삶의 질, 경제/사회 안정 및 안전의 중요도는 비슷하게  ...   7GUxeAEL1ywJ     THE INDICATORS AND INDICES OF DEVELOPMENT cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AA Salami, SL Tilakasiri, YA Ahmed - 'Development'is a complicated word in the English language. Peet & Hartwick (1999) call it a 'founding belief of the modern world' connoting progress, modernity and democratic values. It is a word that carries at once the aspirations of the poor and the designs of corporate elites  ... An investigation into a group of inner and outer London secondary teachers' perceptions of their own wellbeing at work V Ekwulugo - 2015 - Brunel University London

Section 2

broader economic and development literature. This paper will discuss the  ...   FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HAPPINESS IN SABAH cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SS Yiap, SUaG-zw C Geetha cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM - The ultimate goal in economics of happiness is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday life. Thus, it is very important to know that how happiness can be influenced by the circumstances of lives and societies. The study involves 250 respondents chosen  ...   qO2XY6gOnKoJ     Submitted by cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LM Borden, K Gliske, A Norby, A Otto, M Otto ...  - 2017 - Mindfulness has emerged as an important component in Western medical and helping professions (eg, Perlman, Salomons, Davidson, & Lutz, 2010; Prazak et al., 2012). Mindfulness helps individuals obtain health and well-being through the practice of  ... Everybody Wants to Belong: Comparing the Relative Impact of Social Capital on Happiness at an International Level cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E Lambert - 2017 - Subjective well-being has become increasingly more important as a guide for policy and welfare. This paper uses data from the World Bank Indicators and the World Values Survey to look at the intricate relationship between subjective well-being data, social capital, and  ...   BHVVL8KVB60J     12468098754648831236   Anthropocene? Yes, but Stratified–Measuring Existing Societies with Civilization Level Index cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LQMqdxQ JJ Hu cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS  ... , 2016 - This paper extends the authors previous work discussed at 2014 ISSS Conference,“ Civilization Level Index (CLI): A Systemic Instrument for Measuring the Level of Development, or How Human Are We Actually Becoming.” Since the theme of this year's  ...     Selling happiness cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ASF Rodrigues - 2013 - Esta é uma tese que explora as condições associadas à necessidade de procura de felicidade. Começa com uma triagem científica e no âmbito das características e condições intrinsicas á felicidade humana. É definida a necessidade de “procura de felicidade” e são  ...   What if I appoint a Minister for Happiness? If I can make voters happy surely I will get more votes. I can see it now ... cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Anna - Australia appears to have everything it needs to be a happy country. We have a peaceful lifestyle with little physical discomfort, the freedom to make our own choices and express our opinions, the right to vote, abundant food to eat and resources to trade, relatively fair work  ...     A sociedade unipessoal ea limitação da responsabilidade patrimonial do empresário individual cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM WL Moreira - 2016 - Este trabalho aborda a sociedade unipessoal como mecanismo de limitação de responsabilidade patrimonial do empresário individual, buscando evidenciar a legislação brasileira, bem como a experiência e legislação portuguesa a respeito da temática  ...   Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo pajamas įtakojančių veiksnių tyrimas L Danylienė - 2013 - Aleksandras Stulginskis University ">   The Effect of Succession Management on Corporate Survival and Goal Attainment in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM PO Odekina - 2016 - The study examined the effect of succession management on corporate survival and goal attainment in the Nigerian oil gas industry. Some selected companies within the industry were assessed to ascertain the extent to which succession management could function as a  ...  


Section 3

Bush's Policy Shift and February 13 Action Plan cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Hur - The Six-Party Talks on North Korea, 2018 - Springer A reorientation of the Bush administration's nuclear non-proliferation policy toward North Korea is discussed in this chapter. Taking prevailing accounts for why Washington began to soften its posture toward the regime in Pyongyang into consideration, the chapter brings the  ...   0_w4kx_Nb30J     Untersuchungsergebnis cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Kutz - Double-Bind-Kommunikation als Burnout-Ursache, 2018 - Springer Intransparenz, aus Personen und Situationen „nicht schlau zu werden, nicht zu wissen, was bezweckt oder gewollt ist, sich keinen Reim darauf machen können“ und dass „nicht mit offenen Karten gespielt werde“, was sämtlich Verunsicherung auslöst. Mitarbeiter reduzieren aufgrund  ...   PENGELOLAAN BANTUAN KEUANGAN BERSIFAT KHUSUS DARI PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN DALAM ANGGARAN PENDAPATAN DAN BELANJA DESA cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM J Satriajaya, 8B9prqo L Handajani cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , TUh1fOY INNA Putra cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual, 2018 - This research aimed to analyse the specially-allocated financial aid policy from district government to village government of Samanta. The fact indicates that there has been a misconduct in budget management, which becomes the main reason to do this research  ...   A Paradigm for Your Thoughts: A Kuhnian Analysis of Expertise cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Trubody - HUMANA. MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2015 - It will be argued that the “problem of demarcation” and the defining of “expertise” share common structural features that can lead to either a type of strong relativism (everyone is an expert) or ultra-scepticism (expertise does not exist). Appropriating notions from Thomas  ...   j146Bv3bPsMJ     14068924165729705615   Does the code of silence relate to whether federal employees file whistleblower grievances? cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM K Scowcroft - 2014 - This research study used a quantitative correlational study to determine the relationship between the code of silence and the filing of whistleblower grievances at federal law enforcement organizations in the United States. The purpose of this study was to examine  ...   9E0iO2Hv-5kJ    การ ศึกษา ดัชนี ความ สุข มวล รวม ใน ประเทศไทย ทาง ด้าน เทคโนโลยี สารสนเทศ cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ชนินทร์ นา ทะ พันธุ์, กิตติ มา เมฆา บัญชา กิจ - Sripatum Review of Science and  ...  - Happiness is a feeling from the inherent part of each individual. In order to make known regarding what that person is happy about, the preliminary stage of practice requires the survey by asking each person, thus resulting in the measurement of happiness. As for  ...   К вопросу о формировании новой парадигмы экономической теории cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ВН Осетров - Дискуссия, 2011 - Начиная с 1950-х гг., можно наблюдать формирование на границе экономической теории с другими социальными науками новых научных направлений: экономической социологии, экономической психологии и др. Это доказывает неизбежность  ...   ux-qI-mYMnUJ     8444980378366255035   Performance management in function of determining incentive systems for managers cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM uOrl0VA N Berber cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , M Pasula, M Radošević - 2012 - Performance management, a very important process of human resource management (HRM), can be significant basis for creating the incentive systems for managers. Big enterprises usually reward their chief executive officer (CEO) for success in business. In the  ...     


Section 4


Promotion: Leadership Ability as the Deciding Factor cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM J Reckaway - 2016 - Organizations often base their promotion process on seniority, experience, and education. It should come as no surprise when bad leaders cause the downfall of these same organizations. Good leadership is required to lead organizations to success. Any  ...   Q505LwTvHeYJ     Dysfunctional Leadership in the Public Service. cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM L Vermeulen - International Humanities Studies, 2017 - Dysfunctional leaders, habitually depicting narcissistic behaviour, are distressingly detrimental to the wellbeing of individual employees and an organisation in its entirety. To enhance the wellbeing of both individual employees and organisations at large, it is  ...   15210388661969498996     dDNSZOYnFtMJ  15210388661969498996     Вплив стилю лідерства на характеристичні риси організаційної культури туристичних підприємств cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 2jL9VGY ОП Крупський cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Бізнес Інформ, 2015 - Мета статті полягає у виявленні впливу стилю лідерства на характеристичні риси організаційної культури туристичних підприємств. Проведено детальний аналіз наукової літератури щодо стилів лідерства, виявлено деякі особливості їх  ...    administration management systems and is being widely adapted in both the public and private sectors, including universities. Even in the developing countries, the conversion of  ...   8VliQqP8-VsJ     6627606104776006129   The US Economy: US Economic Risks and Strategies for 2007-2017 Policy White Paper cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Jones - The International Institute of Management. Available  ... , 2006   Politics of Failure: Watch out for the Warning Signs of Bad Leadership M Jones - International Institute of Management. From< www. iim  ... , 2008 mmlI8cPheqUJ ">     d_oipuY9ZoAJ     9252150545318345335   MANAGEMENT OF DYSFUNCTIONS AND CONFLICTS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM prjXcdA S Pânzaru cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , L Constantinescu, nU8jRlQ C Dragomir cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Romania, 2016 - In the public administration institutions there take place numerous and complex activities mainly aiming the achieving objectives in the optimum conditions. In public administration institutions there are formed relations between employees and working groups who consist  ...


Section 5


 Leadership sagacity and its relationship with individual creative performance and innovation cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM uTbQmDg AL Simmons cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , VE Sower - European Journal of Innovation  ... , 2012 - Purpose–The creativity literature has largely overlooked an important construct associated with progressing beyond individual creative performance (ie the generation of an idea) to innovation (ie the implementation of an idea). That missing construct is leadership sagacity  ... Lessons from the Lebanese Civil War for the Syrian War cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Barazi - 2017 - Syria and Lebanon both share a common beginning. Before these two countries existed as we know them today, they were both parts of the Ottoman empire which was defeated in the first world war. Despite the same beginning, the two countries took remarkably divergent  ...   hN4SEXjW7JgJ     The relationship between school principals' leadership styles and teachers' achievement motivation cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM H AlFahad, S Alhajeri ...  - Chinese Business Review, 2013 - School principals' leadership styles play a major role in teachers' performance. This paper examines the relationship between school principals' leadership styles, whether transformational or transactional, and teachers' achievement motivation. Using the  ...   16152555034239478510     7qrKRjlnKeAJ  16152555034239478510     Dysfunctional leadership and dysfunctional organizations: The Politics of failure: watch out for the warning signs of bad leadership M Yones - International Institute of Management (IIM), 2009 18010260540398782080 >   شناسایی و تبيين شاخص‌های ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت کلاس جهانی‎ cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM حسن فارسیجانی, ندا جلالیون, محسن مردانی - چشم انداز مدیریت صنعتی‎ - سازمان‌ها در گذر از تغییرات انقلابگونه از عصر صنعتی به عصر اطلاعات هستند. ورود به بازارهای جهانی یکی از مسائل مهم كشور است كه ذهن مدیران صنایع را به خود مشغول كرده است. جهانی‌شدن پدیده‌ای تک‌بعدی نیست و فرآیندی اقتصادی، سیاسی و فرهنگی محسوب می‌شود و هرچه جهان به سمت انسجام  … research cited Med Yones (Med Yones) at the International Institute of Management (IIM)‎ Dysfunctional leadership & dysfunctional organizations. International Institute of Management Executive Journal M Yones - 2009 Dysfunctional leadership & dysfunctional organizations cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM M Yones - Executive Journal. Available online at http://www. iim  ... , 2009 - The subject of leadership has been greatly covered by scholars, academicians and consultants, yet building high-performance teams remains elusive to most companies. Leadership is the most important competitive advantage of a company, not technology, finance, operations  ...   Concept and Causes of Human Prosperity cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM JH Maridal - 2010 - This dissertation represents a comprehensive study of human prosperity. It consists of two main components separated into two essays. The first essay provides a theoretical definition and a measurement of prosperity. The second essay contributes a review of the institutional  ...   10732110294442257529   براورد راهبردی قدرت اقتصادی امریکا‎ cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM سیف, دکتر الله مراد - فصلنامه آفاق و امنیت, 2010‎ - هبنج ود. تساهروشک يلم تردق رد راذگرثا و مهم ياه هفلؤم زا يداصتقا تردق ای (میقتسمریغ تردق و) راکشآ ای (میقتسم تردق لماش يداصتقا تردق مهم هب رصحنم ياه تیلباق و اه يیاناوت زا اکیرمآ، میقتسم تردق رظن زا. دوش يم) ناهنپ عبانم، هتفرشیپ و عونتم عیانص، دعتسم يعیبط يایفارغج  … ‎ Event tourism: a strategic methodology for emergency management cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM C Kemp - Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency  ... , 2009 - Threat and risk have both economic and environmental implications for tourism event settings. The threat of natural or man-made activity disrupting the transport, communications or economic infrastructure of any civilisation is a high priority in any cultural context. The  ...   10750440751762946682     erq2y-c8MZUJ  10750440751762946682     The Happy Depressive A Campbell - 2012 - Random House 여성의 평등권, 건강권, 행복권 추구를 위한스포츠 서비스 환경개선 전략 cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM HM Heo - Journal of Korean Association of Physical Education  ... , 2015 - The purpose of this study is to investigate the strategy to improve sports service environment for promotion of women's life sports through literature study. To this end, it investigated general situation related to Korean women and the present situation of participating in life  ...   TwA23ixEF9YJ     15426874008078254159   [PDF] cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AVALIAÇÃO DA EFICIÊNCIA AMBIENTAL DA FELICIDADE EM UMA COMUNIDADE PAULISTANA cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM RR DE SOUZA - 2017 - RESUMO A sustentabilidade urbana, verdadeiro desafio, tem que garantir alta qualidade de vida e um meio ambiente saudável. A presente tese visa aplicar o índice de Eficiência Ambiental da Felicidade (EAF), desenvolvido neste estudo, em uma comunidade na cidade  ...   jCSnJKr6P3gJ     Design against crime: a human-centred approach to designing for safety and security cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM IzDDIj4 CL Davey cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , AB Wootton - 2017 - Design Against Crime will aid the design profession to meet the challenges presented by the competing needs and complex systems around crime and security. It proposes that designers should use their creative talents to develop innovative solutions to security  ...   4516128984839761659     -y44XWKDrD4J   Rethinking policy intervention for the transition towards competitive trade-led green growth cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM BK Bhusal - 2017 - A Neo-classical trade-led growth model, supported by rapid technological advancement and the WTO regime was instrumental to achieving higher growth and prosperity during the last few decades; however, it could not cope with new challenges such as environmental  ...   zHcHHj61DQYJ     Un droit au bonheur cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM B Gauriau - Droit Social, 2012 - Précisément, la Commission justice et citoyenneté du Sénat (CCJ) brésilien a approuvé un amendement de la Constitution fédérale 3. Le texte, présenté par le sénateur et ancien ministre de l'Éducation Cristovam Buarque, propose que l'article 6 de la Constitution brésilienne affirme que « les droits  ...


Section 6

   Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Y Yao - 2008 - Buddhism, one of the three largest religions in the world, is rich and deep in spirituality and philosophical content. In Asian and Western countries, the economic and managerial aspects of Buddhism have become a subject of renewed interest and many studies. The  ...   3257996721132315190     “Öğrenen Toplumlar: Hanehalkı Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerinin Bir Sosyolojik cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM GGO Kullanılması, O DAĞDEVİREN - This research aims to establish that Information Communication Technologies (ICT), may be used as an indicator of social progress. For that purpose, initially the concept of ICT is elaborated followed by a discussion of what is meant by “progress”. The foundational idea of  ...   OW57cf5q5RMJ     A Perspective on the Attitudinal Study of Collective Happiness 総幸福の態度学的探究を展望する cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM 青柳寛 - 抄録 新自由主義経済のグローバル化が益々行き詰まりを見せる今日, ブータン王国の標語となる 「国民総幸福 (GNH)」 が従来の経済指標である 「国民総生産 (GNP)」 に代わるコンセプトとして有識層に持て囃され始めるなど, 幸福的な生活の意味が再考される風潮が世界的に強まりつつある  ...   SZCZCSCIE NARODOWE BRUTTO W BHUTANIE-NOWE SZANGRI-LA? POLITYKI PUBLICZNE: KSZTALTOWANIE I WDRAZANIE/Gross National Happiness in  ... cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM K Sikora - Zarzadzanie Publiczne, 2014 - Abstract The article presents Gross National Happiness in Bhutan (in short GNH), with political and sociological point of view, and also from the perspective of economics and culture. Analysis of GNH is a starting point to answer the question whether it is possible to  ...   F4KPoqj7J4EJ   Design= Design cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Irbite - DESIGN. EXPERIENCE. CHALLENGES, 2013 - The purpose of this study is to show complex problems in the field of design and design education, as well as to map out possible solutions of determining the impact of design on economic and social well-being and to offer proposals for a new design education  ...   7mFZ-6UJp-YJ     16620263558325297646  A Modern History of Happiness as Economic Policy. History and Criticism of Gross National Happiness cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Rose - 2017 - In what may have been an offhand remark during an interview, the King of Bhutan uttered a phrase that is thought to be the beginning of a new economic concept and policy know as Gross National Happiness (GNH). In its first incarnation, GNH rested upon four key  ...   A stochastic dynamical social model involving a human happiness index cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM x81SSvQ MT Sanz cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , A Caselles, ejbDlH4 JC Micó cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , D Soler - Journal of Computational and  ... , 2018 - Elsevier This paper presents a new human happiness index built through five dimensions: development, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace. These five dimensions are evaluated through quantitative variables obtained from the Human Development Reports, World Data  ...   8428569298657346752     8428569298657346752  

Section 7

Beyond GDP-Measuring the Wealth of Nations cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM T Wenzel - 2009 - The following work devotes analysis to the consistency of the idea to measure the Wealth of Nations beyond GDP. Looking at the desirability, utility and feasibility of the concept, the main objective is to outline whether a socially and environmentally adjusted GDP would be  ...   8672761169970546489     OUfldVXWW3gJ  Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers [Dalai Lama and Laurens Muyzenberg. What Bhudhism Can teach  ... cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Y Yao - 2009 - Buddhism, one of the three largest religions in the world, is rich and deep in spirituality and philosophical content. In Asian and Western countries, the economic and managerial aspects of Buddhism have become a subject of renewed interest and many studies. The  ... RESTRUCTURING THE GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS (GNH)–ISSUES AND CHALLENGES cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM G Sachar - The essence of the philosophy of the Gross National Happiness is the peace and happiness of our people and security and the sovereignty of the nation. This paper concerns the operationalization of the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH). It assumes that GNH  ...   A Felicidade na agenda da administração e suas relações com conceitos organizacionais cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MB DE CARVALHO - Sendo a felicidade a razão última da vida, conforme proposto por Aristóteles (384-322 aC), Hume (1741) e Bentham (1789), os formuladores de política pública deveriam tê-la como paradigma ao estabelecerem suas metas e planos de governo. Aos administradores dos  ...   5044958332276281233     kY_5td9KA0YJ  Working in the Community 2 cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Purcell - 2010 - Working in the Community 2 Practice Studies Edited by Rod Purcell  ...  Working in the Community 2: Practice Studies All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation Walter Benjamin  ...  Working in the Community 2: Practice Studies First edition 2010 ISBN 978-1-4461-3908-0 All  ...   maFPyQXofmgJ     7529710738559967641   Business and development cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AM Reed, KImS5Os D Reed cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - IIMB Management Review, 2010 - Elsevier Businesses now contribute to development through avenues other than the generation of employment and economic growth, such as corporate social responsibility initiatives, corporate accountability movements and alternative business models, using several  ...   1514193440733892466     co8rbOl-AxUJ   Integrated well-being: Positive psychology and the natural world cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Pluta - 2012 - In the web of life, we are all interconnected. This connectivity extends beyond the human domain and towards systems much larger than ourselves—the whole of the Earth's species. As this paper illustrates, this connectivity with non-human life is innate, and deepening that  ...   13859524796110280895   Green accounting: a conceptual framework cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM Ds0QcBY T Greenham cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - International Journal of Green Economics, 2010 - Awareness of environmental limits has led to a proliferation of accounting methodologies designed to measure the impact of human activity on the earth's ecological systems and resources. Such methodologies can be collectively described as green accounting, and  ...   15388255338962234934     Ni7aR7MQjtUJ  15388255338962234934 


Section 8

 Textbook of international health: global health in a dynamic world cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM AE Birn, Y Pillay, TH Holtz - 2009 - This classic text, formerly known as the" Basch" textbook, now completely revised in an updated new edition, brings together information that students and professionals working in the wide variety of disciplines concerned with international health will find in no other single  ... Conclusion: The essence of peace? Toward a comprehensive and parsimonious model of sustainable peace cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM vtAunVI PT Coleman cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Psychological components of sustainable peace, 2012 - Springer The excellent chapters in this book offer a vast array of psychosocial conditions and processes which have been linked to sustainable peace. This concluding chapter offers a summary and synthesis of this research; highlighting the basic commonalities of the  ... Articles from Integral Leadership Review cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM NL Role - In order to understand the role of leadership in promoting happiness, it is necessary to define happiness. A casual survey of people on the street would seem to indicate they know what makes them happy. Often these conversations will result in discussions about having  ...   FAR5k-IgHNMJ     15212069798859572244  Should the State Care for the Happiness of its Citizens? cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A Prinz - Human happiness and the pursuit of maximization, 2013 - Springer One of the crucial public policy questions of happiness research is whether the state should care for its citizens' happiness. Not surprisingly, this question is controversially discussed in economics. On the one hand, Richard Layard, for instance, supports that public policy  ...   15951417383716586524     HARrpJjRXt0J  15951417383716586524     Collective smile: Measuring societal happiness from geolocated images cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM UK1Z4wY S Abdullah cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , dfy3siA EL Murnane cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , EC8xI_o JMR Costa cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM ...  - Proceedings of the 18th  ... , 2015 - The increasing adoption of social media provides unprecedented opportunities to gain insight into human nature at vastly broader scales. Regarding the study of population-wide sentiment, prior research commonly focuses on text-based analyses and ignores a treasure  ...   Re: Gross National Happiness Survey M Jones - International Institute, 2012 HqdUH31Ko8oJ "> What is sustainability? cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , J Farrington - Sustainability, 2010 - Sustainability as a policy concept has its origin in the Brundtland Report of 1987. That document was concerned with the tension between the aspirations of mankind towards a better life on the one hand and the limitations imposed by nature on the other hand. In the  ...   FICHE DE LECTURE D Lama, L van den Muyzenberg - 2009 7Sut_5qKXJwJ ">   The Concept and Causes of National Human Prosperity JH Maridal - 2010 - Florida State University Integrated model for sustainable development cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM VH Varma, n-965bs G Chattopadhyay cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM  - Industrial Engineering and  ... , 2008 - The growing human population has put an ever-increasing strain on world resources. This is causing a severe imbalance on human lives and the flora and fauna of the world. Human activities in areas such as mining, deforestation, urban development and industrialization  ...   5g1tufofe2UJ     7312473581679349222   Measuring happiness at work place cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM D Bhattacharjee, M Bhattcharjee - ASBM Journal of  ... , 2010 - Use of happiness Index for measuring the satisfaction of the citizens of a country is a well established technique by now. However, the happiness index with a few changes in its formulation can be used to measure the happiness level of employees working in an  ...   10942132880318431478     9oCAeOFD2pcJ  10942132880318431478     In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy. cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM A de Valdomond - 2013 - Considering the World Gross Domestic Product WGDP as a representation of all the production by humankind, is it possible to define a smallest common quantitative measure, an aeconomic quantuma at an individual level, whose aggregate will lead to the word GDP  ...   Sustainable development: case: energy production in Namibia cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM P Lahti - 2011 - Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tarkastella kestävän kehityksen ulottuvuuksia yleisesti, sekä erilaisten energiantuotantotapojen kestävyyttä erityisesti Namibian kannalta. Kestävästä kehityksestä on puhuttu jo vuosikymmeniä, nykyisin enemmän kuin koskaan. Mutta vaikka  ...   Tmb-AJQP0WcJ  


Section 9

  International community organising cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM qy6YdAE D Beck cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM , R Purcell - 2013 - " As the Arab Spring continues to work through changes, the Occupy Movement is agitating for change and many are looking for alternatives in the face of global financial and political challenges, community organising offers a realistic way forward for many communities: a  ... Peak everything: waking up to the century of declines cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Heinberg - 2010 - In titling this book Peak Everything, I was suggesting that humanity has achieved an unsustainable pinnacle of population size and consumption rates, and that the road ahead will be mostly downhill—at least for the next few decades, until humanity has learned to live  ...   Role of Business Schools in Orienting Students towards Building Happy Economies (Happiconomies) cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MK Ingale - Technology, 2003 - Parameters of measuring economic development and business performance had always been of great interest not only to economists but also to the policy makers, administrators and business community. Business schools had been accordingly making their students  ...   The American pursuit of unhappiness: Gross National Happiness (GNH), a new socioeconomic policy. Executive white paper M Jones, Yones, IIM - 2006 - International Institute of  ...   9808908951214864446     PrhPp7g-IIgJ   Spiritual Guidance in Achieving and Sustaining Organizational Excellence-Jain Vie cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SC Jain - Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and  ... , 2012 - Jainism is one of the oldest religious traditions of India. It preaches and practices the workethics to achieve one's objectives, be they to attain liberation or to be happy in worldlyaffairs and simultaneously first and then assist others (Live and help live or  ...   11766451948941608447     RAZPOTJA REGIONALNEGA RAZVOJNEGA NAČRTOVANJA: APLIKACIJA DTS R SLOVENIJA - 2010[PDF] cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM MAESTRÍA EN GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM SEG ROMERO - Sin duda el estudio de la cultura de una organización ha sido, históricamente, una tarea que reviste dificultades no sólo en el plano metodológico, sino conceptual y aún epistemológico. El avance tecnológico y la globalización son hoy los rasgos distintivos del  ...   7B78L_Jri1YJ     Qualidade de vida no trabalho: um estudo dos profissionais de Goiânia-GO cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM LC Melo - 2013 - This study deals with a survey of professional librarians in Goiânia-GO, aiming to analyze the quality of work life, so if they have specific purposes: to identify, in the literature, the elements of the quality of working life of a professional, knowing the job satisfaction level, to  ...   wVTu0bfmPgAJ     17705125731521729   Learning for well-being: A policy priority for children and youth in Europe cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM I Kickbusch, J Gordon, L O'Toole - A process for change, with the  ... , 2012 - Learning for Well-being Consortium of Foundations in Europe  ...  The final draft was reviewed by the following people: Marwan Awartani Secretary-General, Universal Education Foundation Shanti George Independent researcher Scherto Gill Research Fellow & Executive Secretary  ...   W4FkI93OD5gJ     10957203867592589659 Individual vs. Organizational Burnout cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM E Seiffert - 2012 - Dass Menschen im Rahmen ihrer Arbeitstätigkeit „ausbrennen “können, ist ein lange bekanntes Phänomen, das seit 1974 unter dem Begriff „Burnout “wissenschaftlich erforscht wird. Seit der Begriffsprägung durch den Psychologen Herbert Freudenberger bezieht man  ...   YNiSfXvRGEgJ     Der Umgang mit Äquivalenz in der Werte-und Wellbeing-Forschung cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM R Bachleitner, M Weichbold, W Aschauer ...  - Methodik und  ... , 2014 - Springer Im folgenden Kapitel soll die Diskussion über die inhaltliche Validität und die funktionale Äquivalenz von Konstrukten im Länder-und Kulturvergleich anhand von zwei zentralen Anwendungsbereichen der ländervergleichenden Forschung dargestellt werden. Es wird  ... Um olhar para a gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos a partir de indicadores de sustentabilidade cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM eBBrFOk MC Lozano cited Med Yones GNH / GNW Paper at IIM - 2012 - Solid waste management has been shown to be a major challenge for local governments given the high operational costs and increasing amounts of waste generated. Inadequate waste management, as well as the damage to the environment and to public health, gives  ...


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